
  • Aside from being really good at what you do, I believe networking is the best way to get to where you want to be in any industry. I’ve come to meet some amazing, talented people who are lost because they don’t have the right means to maximize their opportunities. Whether you are great or ok at what you do it will be hard for you to make it to the peak of your success without someone helping you or opening doors for you.

    I’ve decided to speak on this topic because as a dancer, actor and model I’ve had to make myself very visible so others see my potential and are motivated to push me a little further. At first, I didn’t know this information but now that I do I want to share my knowledge to help others. Never shut anyone out or make any enemies in your industry/ field of work because you never know who will be the boost you need to get to the next level.

    When in public, don’t be afraid to speak to the person next to you; just a simple hello couldn’t hurt. Have you ever thought about this before? Just taking public transportation allows you to come in contact with so many different people. These people are from diverse walks of life and have many different occupations. Put yourself to the test one day and have a little conversation with someone you find interesting and see how you feel afterwards. I’m sure your experience will prove me right.

    I can testify to this as I’ve made some good friends and associates this way. So many of them have helped me in some small way that has ended up making a big difference. I’m not saying you should go out and try to meet a bunch of people with the expectation that they will help you or do something for you. These intentions would be all wrong. I’m simply saying don’t block yourself off from being social with other people. I hope that I helped someone with this token of advice to making it to where you want to be.

    March 30th, 2011 | Kendell Hinds | No Comments | Tags: ,

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